Poll - Release Time Limit at specific time (like midnight)?

I’m looking at using the Poll Add-on and it looks like a great fit. However, I have so far only found that the time_period can be set for…just that a period. I have tested the GravityWiz code snippet as well. But not really being a programmer, I’m not clear if it can be altered to release the limiting cookie at a specific time rather that a period based on the user’s entry. I just wasn’t to restrict voting until midnight each day.

The GravityWiz snippet is here: https://gravitywiz.com/better-limit-submission-per-time-period-by-user-or-ip/

Can you use the time_period of one_day? That should reset at midnight.

Thanks Chris. I will test that. I don’t recall seeing “one_day” as an option. I do see “per_day” and reading the doc again, maybe it does reset at midnight even though it doesn’t specifically say that. Could be why I overlooked.

I was referencing this section:

Also supported are three different calendar periods: per_day , per_month , per_year . Calendar time periods are more rigid time periods that “reset” when the calendar time period expires (i.e. one month ends and another begins).

Sorry, yes it’s per_day. But if you change month to day in that sentence it becomes:

one day ends and another begins

Test it out and let us know, or leave a comment on that Gravity Wiz post.


Quick question. I’m a little confused whether the settings I put in the Gravity Forms Poll Add On - Poll Settings are completely overridden by the GW function. Meaning, if I set the Poll to use a cookie and set on Never or 1 Day, will the function of settings the limit to “per_day” still reset it based on a cooking at midnight?

What hoping is that the combination of setting the cookie but having the time_period be per_day will clear the cookie at midnight, rather than having to use an IP or user. Suddenly, I’m thinking this will not work. That the function doesn’t use a cookie and/or will not use the cookie set via the Poll Settings.

Hey Chris, it does not seem that the Gravity Wiz snippet per_day will override the setting within the Poll Add-on. Meaning, I want the Poll to limit by cookie. But the Gravity Wiz snippet does not have a cookie feature as far as I can tell. It’s only by user, IP or embed URL. Ryan at GW suggested I buy the Perk plugin version and he could help. But since the docs for it say nothing about cookie limits, I have a feeling it’ll just be a 30 day trial. It seems like the Poll add-on itself would need additional options for the cookie limit that aren’t based on hours but rather more like the calendar day options. Too bad I’m 90% designer and not enough developer.

This one is still out there if anyone has accomplished this or understands how it might be done. The Gravity Perk also does not solve this need.