What am I missing in understanding? I have long had a form on line for a class that I teach 3-6 times a year. The last time I offered it all my payments came through PayPal although I think I have Stripe and Paypal set up. This is not necessarily bad, but I don’t see where it is configured and how to change it if I wanted to. (I started using GF 10 years ago and it’s gotten much more sophisticated! ) page here, form at bottom
HI Annamarie! Have you already opened a support ticket? I imagine that is your best bet for a quick resolution…
In general though, go to the Form Settings, click on either PayPal, or Stripe, to check the Feeds for each payment add-on. If you are offering choices in the form, you might have conditional logic on each feed, determining which one would be used for each submission.
Better explanation here: