New User Registration Bot Spam

We have a lot of new “bot spam” (Fig 1) coming through our “new user registration form” (Fig 2) in Gravity Forms seeking approval to become users. It is blatant “bot spam” meaning the usernames are very generated and not even close or realistic to anyone that would register. We already have the anti-spam honeypot option checked for the form in settings (Fig 3). Screenshots are below with corresponding figure number.

Are there any other options out there available from Gravity Forms to us to fight these spam requests?

We have recommendations for preventing spam in Gravity Forms submissions here:

In addition to the Honeypot, I recommend using a CAPTCHA such as Cloudflare Turnstile:

Spam has increased considerably over the last month on dozens of client websites that I have deployed reCaptcha, Akismet and Honeypot fields on. When these forms are also integrated with external databases it becomes even more undesirable for the client. Is the increase in spam getting through something that is on your radar? What used to work, isn’t anymore.

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