Need Assistance | Modify Code Snippet to Filter Bad Words | Need to Exclude Form and Field ID

Good Day!

We are using the code snippet provided below to filter bad words in our Gravity Forms. It’s working great, except for one form (field ID) which we would like to exclude from the filter.

Can any of you help us achieve this?

Thank you!

Code Snippet: (Source)

/*Gravity Forms Filter to Use WP 'Comment Blacklist' as Validation Parameter*/
add_filter( 'gform_validation', 'custom_validation' );
function custom_validation( $validation_result ) {
    if ( false === get_option( 'disallowed_keys' ) ) {
    // Assume this is WP < 5.5. Option does not exist.
		$blacklisted = get_option('blacklist_keys');
		} else {
	// Assume this is WP >= 5.5
		$blacklisted = get_option('disallowed_keys');
	//Turn WP Blacklist Words into Array
	$badWords = preg_split("/[\s,]+/", $blacklisted);
	//Function to Check Submitted Field Value Against Blacklist Array. Will be Called in the Fields Loop.
	function contains($field_value, array $badWords){
		foreach($badWords as $i) {
			if (stripos($field_value,$i) !== false)return true;
			return false;

    $form = $validation_result['form'];
        //Loop through Form Fields
        foreach( $form['fields'] as &$field ) {
            //Store Submitted Field Value in a Local Variable
			$field_value = rgpost( "input_{$field['id']}" );
			//Use Function
            if (contains($field_value, $badWords)){
				// set the form validation to false
				$validation_result['is_valid'] = false;
                $field->failed_validation = true;
                $field->validation_message = 'This field contains bad words!';
			else {
    //Assign modified $form object back to the validation result
    $validation_result['form'] = $form;
    return $validation_result;


After a bit of research, we found the solution.

So, instead of “excluding” a form field from the above code snippet, we modified the code snippet (provided below) to only apply to our affected Form ID and respective Form Fields. In our case, Form ID 16 and Form Fields ‘Email’ and ‘Textarea.’ Yes, we tested the modified code snippet numerous times. Works great.

If someone knows a better way to do this (i.e., shorten the code snippet), please share :slight_smile:


Modified Code Snippet:

/*Gravity Forms Filter to Use WP 'Comment Blacklist' as Validation Parameter*/

add_filter( 'gform_validation_16', 'custom_validation_16' );
function custom_validation_16( $validation_result ) {
    if ( false === get_option( 'disallowed_keys' ) ) {
    // Assume this is WP < 5.5. Option does not exist.
		$blacklisted = get_option('blacklist_keys');
		} else {
	// Assume this is WP >= 5.5
		$blacklisted = get_option('disallowed_keys');
	//Turn WP Blacklist Words into Array
	$badWords = preg_split("/[\s,]+/", $blacklisted);
	//Function to Check Submitted Field Value Against Blacklist Array. Will be Called in the Fields Loop.
	function contains_16($field_value, array $badWords){
		foreach($badWords as $i) {
			if (stripos($field_value,$i) !== false)return true;
			return false;

    $form = $validation_result['form'];
        //Loop through Form Fields
         foreach( $form['fields'] as &$field ) { if ( $field->type == 'email' )  {
            //Store Submitted Field Value in a Local Variable
			$field_value = rgpost( "input_{$field['id']}" );
			//Use Function
            if (contains_16($field_value, $badWords)){
				// set the form validation to false
				$validation_result['is_valid'] = false;
                $field->failed_validation = true;
                $field->validation_message = 'Your message contains blacklisted or unauthorized information.';
			else {
		foreach( $form['fields'] as &$field ) { if ( $field->type == 'textarea' )  {
            //Store Submitted Field Value in a Local Variable
			$field_value = rgpost( "input_{$field['id']}" );
			//Use Function
            if (contains_16($field_value, $badWords)){
				// set the form validation to false
				$validation_result['is_valid'] = false;
                $field->failed_validation = true;
                $field->validation_message = 'Your message contains blacklisted or unauthorized information.';
			else {
    //Assign modified $form object back to the validation result
    $validation_result['form'] = $form;
    return $validation_result;
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