there is a test form with scores that was created by someone else and I need to edit it to make the test shorter.
The function of this form is to give the information of pass or fail of the test to the teacher. Either the user fails or pass, the teacher will receive an email notification with the total score and the scores for each section of the test.
The student will also receive a similar email notification with all the results of the test.
The notifications for both fail and pass, have a conditional related with the total score.
The form calculates if the student pass or fail and send the emails notification to the teacher and to the student.
This is a part of the notification to the teacher:
Total for Multiple Choice: {Score: Total (Hidden):83}/29 ({Score: Percentage (Hidden):88}%)
Parts of Speech: {Score: Parts of Speech (Hidden):84}/11
Verb Tenses: {Score: Verb Tenses (Hidden):85}/8
Word Stress: {Score: Word Stress (Hidden):86}/6
Sentence Stress: {Score: Sentence Stress (Hidden):87}/4
My task is to reduce the questions and make the test shorter by eliminating some questions in each section of the test, but when trying to do it (in a copy of the form, of course) the form is not calculating the totals correctly and it is not working properly.
So, as I don’t understand how this form was created, I cannot make changes.
I am looking for an expert in this matter that can help me to reduce the questions ( I already know which ones) and make it work.
I also have the correct answers too.
Please, message me in private.
Thanks in advance,