Hi all,
I’ve hit a wall with trying to figure this out. It seems to me that all file upload configurations in Gravity Forms is such that whenever the user (who is using an iPad) needs to take multiple photos and upload them, they need to do them one by one. One photo, upload it, then click upload another file, upload it, then click upload another file and so on, one by one. In a use case where my users need to upload 5 photos at a time, hundreds of times a day, this becomes tedious.
The platform I’m building that uses GravityForms is a replacement for a previous FastFields platform. One feature FastFields had was a “Multi Photo Field”.
Check out the less than 1 minute video link below to see this feature in action.
I would LOVE to be able to implement this kind of feature in a Gravity Forms setup with users who have iPads. As you can see in the video, the user takes one photo, and immediately can take another photo, and a simple counter adds up the amount of photos taken. Once done, a user just clicks “Done”, and the 5 photos they have taken are uploaded. Much better than doing it one by one.
Any suggestions?