Merge-tag Icon not displayed [RESOLVED]

Very new to Gravity Forms. Apologies if my nomenclature isn’t spot in.

I am trying to insert a formula for the Prefix field for Gravity Unique Id. The notes say I can do this in the Advanced settings:

" Prefix

Prepend a short string to the beginning of the generated ID (i.e. abc123890678). You can use merge tags; the list is available via the “Merge Tags” icon located on the right of the field."

But the Merge-Tag icon is not visible or selectable. I feel I am missing something very basic here. Ie made sure its the latest plugin version. Curiously the icon DOES display for the Starting Number.

What am i missing?

Hey Dirk, I’m Dave from Gravity Wiz. I recreated this issue and we’ll be releasing a fix next week. If you’d like it sooner, drop us a line via support: Support | Gravity Wiz and mention this thread. :slightly_smiling_face:

Hey Dave, thanks! That was actually the last solution I was expecting given I am a newbie! Just assumed it was PEBKAC.

Hi Dirk,

I just wanted to follow up to let you know that we’ve released a GP Unique ID 1.5.14 that includes a fix for the merge tag button not displaying. Below is the changelog for this release.

Fixed merge tag selector not being in the appropriate position for the Prefix and Suffix field settings.

You should see the update available in WP Admin. You can also download it directly from your account.