Is there a difference between Elite & Nonprofit packages?


With the sale, the Elite package is the same price as the nonprofit package. Im trying to decide whats better value for our nonprofit organisation. Should we go for the nonprofit or get the Elite now that its discounted?

Hi Ruby,

For the Elite License, you’ll have the option to use the plugin on unlimited sites, but for the non-profit package, you can use it on 3 sites. For the same pricing, I’ll go for the Elite License so I can use the plugin on unlimited websites.

Nonprofit pricing:

Regular pricing:

Thank you Faisal!

You’re welcome, Ruby.

Is there anything else I can help you? :smile:

You should note that the Elite license will renew at the full price of $259, which is double the price of the Nonprofit license. The Nonprofit license is the better decision long term.


Also note that Elite License allows use on multisite installations. This is not available with the Nonprofit License.

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