I have two different forms with reCAPTCHA on one page - not working

I have two different forms with reCAPTCHA on one page the first form loads the reCAPTCHA correctly but the second form does not show it.

the first form is using the following shortcode:
do_shortcode(‘[gravityform id=“1” title=“false” ajax=“false”]’)

the second form is using the following shortcode:
do_shortcode(‘[gravityform id=“10” title=“false” ajax=“true”]’)

I cant work out why the page is not showing the reCAPTCHA on the second form. It prevents it from being able to be be submitted as i get a validation error.

Hi Laura. When embedding a form via a PHP function, be sure you also load the Gravity Forms scripts using gravity_form_enqueue_scripts:

If that does not work for you, please open a support ticket:

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