I have two multi-page registration forms, one in English and the other in Spanish. The Spanish is a duplicate of the English with Spanish language field names and values. I want to eventually be able to combine the submitted values into the same spreadsheet or database, but have all of the values in English so that they are the same. For instance, for a Yes/No radio button field type, the Spanish version uses “Si” for Yes as a custom value. Is there are way to actual save a “Yes” value in the record instead of “Si” even though the form displays “Si”?
Hi Railer,
It will be a bit tricky. You will have to put all fields in a single form, and at the top, you can add a radio field labeled “Select Language”. Based on the selection (English/Spanish), you can trigger fields to display using Conditional Logic.
For a visual guide, please refer to the following screen recording:
Give it a try, and let me know how that goes!
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