How to check and set value of hidden input field based on country selected from dropdown [RESOLVED]


Hope you are doing well.

I wanted to know that how I can set the value of hidden input field based on country user selected from the drop-down. Let say for example I have country drop-down and user selects the value “India” then in the hidden input field should have the value of, let say qualify and for other don’t qualify. I have 4-5 countries to have qualify status and rest with don’t qualify.

Your help in this much appreciated. Thanks in advance!!

Hi Preshant,

This should be possible with our GP Populate Anything Perk. For this, you’ll need to set up a mapping form, which will have as entries the different countries with the qualify status. You’ll then use the Populate Anything Perk, to populate the hidden field, with a value from the mapping form entries, based on the selected country.

Here’s a video demo of how to set this up and how it works.

I hope this helps.


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Thank you a bunch…!!!