Help customers to stop Gravity Flow partial-entry reminder emails

We’re using Gravity Flow partial entries reminder emails to help reduce abandon rate on our booking form. The reminder emails get sent one hour after abandoning, and then repeated once a day for the next two days. A problem happens when customers want to stop the reminder emails (either because they’re not interested any more, or because they started and completed a second form and didn’t click the resume link from the email in doing so).

We would like to say in the reminder email: “Or, if you are no longer interested, please click here to unsubscribe from reminder emails”.

We’ve built a page saying “Sorry to see you go”.

However, is it possible, to click a link that would a) cancel the workflow reminders and b) land on the sorry to see you go page.

We thought this might work: {workflow_cancel_url:page_id=7809 text=“please click here to unsubscribe from reminder emails”}

But that just redirects you to the Admin login - so not suitable for a customer.

Any help most welcome!

Best wishes,

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