Gravityforms > User Account > Custom Post Type Submission

Dear Gravityforms enthusiasts,

Currently I’m working on a project where I want to people to use a form (GF), which creates a post inside a CPT (custom post type), which they get a login (username + password) so they can edit this post on a later date if they want.

What I have found so far is:

Anyone got any advice on how to set this up? Would love to hear from you!

We have a snippet that is used to update Posts which I’m guessing would work for your use case. So using our GP Populate Anything Perk, you can populate Gravity Forms fields with the data from the CPT post, and then using the Update Post snippet which you would find in the documentation in the link below, you can update the CPT post when the form is submitted.

Here is the documentation with the link to the snippet and the tutorial on how to use it. You may want to check it out.