Gravity Forms Confirmation opens Elementor Pop-up - Need help

I’m trying to have the gravity forms confirmation open an Elementor Popup. I’ve followed these great instructions from Elementor to create the anchor link to open the pop-up: How to Trigger an Elementor Popup on a Link Click | Elementor. However, how do I just call an anchor such as #pop-up-link (so I’m not resetting the page) from the confirmation message? I tried redirect, but it wants the complete URL, which would reset the page. Any ideas?

The instructions in that Elementor documentation are intended to link the anchor in a page that is already loaded, so the user can click on a link displayed on the page. That can’t be used the way you want to open the popup after submitting the form.

Also Gravity Forms doesn’t provide any built-in integration for Elementor, so there’s no feature or specific function for it from Gravity Forms side of things.

Your best bet would be to reach Elementor support to see if they can provide you any JavaScript code to trigger the popup. If you’re able to get that, then you could inject the JavaScript code to a Text confirmation as shown here:

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