Gravity form PayPal Standard cannot process IPN request

Hi I have gravity forms V2.4.8 with PayPal Standard add-on V3.1.1 and since April 21, I am noticing that Gravity form fails to process Paypal IPNs and shows all completed payments as “Processing”. As a result, our donors cannot get any notification.
I checked gravity form Paypal log and it shows the following message:

2019-04-30 18:40:27.008831 - DEBUG --> GFPayPal::callback(): IPN request received. Starting to process => Array
    [mc_gross] => 0.10
    [protection_eligibility] => Ineligible
    [payer_id] => ZNRUYB753B8QG
    [payment_date] => 16:40:19 Apr 30, 2019 PDT
    [payment_status] => Completed
    [charset] => windows-1252
    [first_name] => Sam
    [mc_fee] => 0.10
    [notify_version] => 3.9
    [custom] => 
    [payer_status] => verified
    [business] =>
    [quantity] => 1
    [verify_sign] => A7Y6gNgoutSN4t5a.MxOSbVEaSevAtkLAYjQvyLdQvhIj-Ru4JwgJD9o
    [payer_email] =>
    [txn_id] => 2CB33580S2194021V
    [payment_type] => instant
    [last_name] => Sar
    [receiver_email] =>
    [payment_fee] => 0.10
    [shipping_discount] => 0.00
    [receiver_id] => FGBPPUGPKMMSU
    [insurance_amount] => 0.00
    [txn_type] => web_accept
    [item_name] => 
    [discount] => 0.00
    [mc_currency] => USD
    [item_number] => 
    [residence_country] => US
    [shipping_method] => Default
    [transaction_subject] => 988|41759bc55ec2065cb09dc22824bbcf83
    [payment_gross] => 0.10
    [ipn_track_id] => ff5d56e4beff3
2019-04-30 18:40:27.008867 - ERROR --> GFPayPal::callback(): IPN request does not have a custom field, so it was not created by Gravity Forms. Aborting. 
2019-04-30 18:40:27.008893 - DEBUG --> GFPaymentAddOn::maybe_process_callback(): Result from gateway callback =>  

It seems that Gravity form is not being able to parse the IPN custom field. But when I check the Pyapal IPN fields, I do see the “custom” field.

Any help in this regard?

I notice that you already have a support (contact) ticket open, so we will focus the support there. Thank you.