After the 2.9.9 to 2.9.10 update our [gravityflow page=“status”] Short code has stopped working. The Only Work around I current have come up with is to in close the short code with
[gravityflow page=“status”]
to allow the results to be shown. I have checked the Theme , Disabled all Plugins, create a Demo site installed all the same Plugins and using the same theme it works. Would any one have any suggestions. I do have a support ticket in it been two weeks now waiting on them.
We’ve been working with you during that time to identify the root cause of the short code issue. It’s not something we’ve had other customer reports or local tests able to replicate when running the latest versions of Gravity Forms and Flow.
It might be formatting of the forum post missing something, but the shortcode example you include does match for how we recommend using the shortcode by identifying the page type. If your theme supports blocks, we do recommend using those as there are more configuration options more easily accessible.
If you need further assistance, please reply to the support ticket thread.
Hello, We have tried using blocks and the edit page shows the status correctly outlined, but when we preview it only show the header as we have described.
Can you recommend a company that could help us solve this issue is there a level two available to work with us it bee a few weeks emailing one daily to try to answer the questions.