Form won't stop spinning. Error Message: reCAPTCHA secret keys not saved in the reCAPTCHA Settings

My forms won’t stop spinning and won’t proceed to the thank you page but the emails are coming through. I check the logs and I got this message:

2021-05-15 16:01:26.050729 - ERROR → GF_Field_CAPTCHA::get_field_input(): reCAPTCHA secret keys not saved in the reCAPTCHA Settings (https://mywebsite/wp-admin/admin.php?page=gf_settings&subview=recaptcha). The reCAPTCHA field will always fail validation during form submission.

I deleted my keys and re entered but still does not work.

How do I fix this?

Please help.

I removed the recaptcha and the problem is still happening. This has only started since the new update. Also, this only really happens on mobile + chrome.

Hello RC. If you are still having trouble with this, I recommend opening support ticket:

Thank you.

Turns out it is the Facebook pixel plugin. I put in a support ticket but it taking long. I need help asap.