Pre-sales question here.
We sell services to individuals like place descriptions before renting a place.
Both owner and renter must pay half of the fee and sometimes it is even a third party who is making the first request on behalve of both of them.
I am trying to make this as simple as possible.
I need a form on my websiote which is the application for a place description. After filling out this form, both owner and renter need to sign a form to give me permisssion to do the work. Theyt should also receive a split payment. Eg: Plaxce description for a 2 bedroom apartment is 300 euros. They should be get an invitation link to pay 150 each through stripe or mollie.
I use for now Hubspot crm (free) and can use Mollie or Stripe. I prefer Mollie in my case.
Can Gravity forms help me with this?