Form in Universal Footer Shows Incorrectly on a Few Pages [RESOLVED]

I created a simple Newsletter Signup form and placed into the universal footer for this website:, which also has several other forms throughout. I hide the labels on all forms. For some reason, the form on a few pages only. The attachment image shows the correct and incorrect display of the same form.

Additionally the incorrect version also says:
“This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.”

I also used CSS code to try and solve this, No Conflict Mode is checked. I see some articles talking about setting CSS to Output, but I do not see that in settings.

Any ideas?

I solved it on my own, but I am sure it is not the most appropriate solution. I noticed that the footer form appeared correctly when there was another form elsewhere on that page. I created a placeholder unused form and placed it on every page without a form and made it invisible and voila! The footer form looks good.