EUR currency keeps going back to USDollar [RESOLVED]

My form stopped working and after some troubleshooting it appeared that my default currency keeps going back to USDollar and my payment service provider is not supporting this.

I have googled but cant find anything. I have barely any other plugins generally and on Gravity forms no other add-ons. How can I resolve this?

This happens when the theme or another plugin is using the gform_currencies filter and the currency array being returned is missing the “code” property. See the following example showing a currency properties array containing the “code” property:

If you are using that filter to customize the currency properties, I recommend using the approach that changes specific properties instead of redefining the entire currency array, e.g.,

If you aren’t sure which theme or plugin is using the filter, you might need to run through a conflict test:

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Hi Richard,

Thanks for the reply, it was indeed an old version of a theme … have put it to default WP theme for now and it works. Weird but happy it got solved!! Thanks!!!