Error when submitting form (validation error)


I do have a problem with one of my forms. I enter all the required data and when hitting the submit button there is an error in the frontend below the email field:
“You need to verify yourself in order to submit this form”

In the logfile I can see there is an error:
“GFFormDisplay::validate(): Completed gform_validation.”
“GFFormDisplay::process_form(): After validation. Is submission valid? No”

I already disabled CAPTCHA.

So I use various Gravity Perks plugins and also the OTP plugin from MiniOrange for email verification. I can try to deactivate each plugin individually.

But I don’t know why there is an error. Do you have any suggestions?

Thanks for your help,

That isn’t a built-in Gravity Forms validation error, and based on the plugins you mentioned, the OTP plugin would seem like the most likely source.

If deactivating that plugin resolves the issue, you’ll need to contact the developer for assistance determining why it’s adding the validation error when you don’t expect it.

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