Entry exports download empty [RESOLVED]

We’re having a similar issue to this one with AWS load balancing. When I run more than 1 replica the entry export may end up blank depending on which pod serves the final download vs which one intitiated the issue.

While kubernetes has session stickiness options which may let us solve this, it also seems like it would be possible to change the location of the file upload. We’re currently using WP Stateless and have an issue in but it doesn’t seem like there are hooks provided to change the location of the file being generated during the export process.

Would it be possible to get a hook here so that this is possible? It seems we’d need one in the write_file function so that we could define the location external to the local WordPress install.

I managed to fix this by hooking into gform_post_export_entries and using WP Stateless to sync the generated file to our storage location. Then I removed the standard AJAX action for download and made our own ajax action that sends the file to the browser.

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