I am having trouble getting an entry’s update date and time into a hidden field that will then be sent to a Google Sheet via Zapier. I have tried setting a default value for the hidden field as {date_updated:raw} or just date_updated:raw or even date_updated, none of which will populate the field upon edit. Are merge tags not the appropriate way to handle this? Unfortunately, Zaps cannot see the entry meta date updated or I would map it directly from there.
I couldn’t get it working using date_updated entry property (see commented $date - always returned null). I was hoping to use the entry object property of date_updated but realize it may use the known prior date_updated rather than the current date_updated from when I submit the edit. Am I wrong here?
This is getting fed into a hidden field. However, the field could be edited by hand if the editor chose to when updating the entry. I know how to set a read only on a field but that would prevent the function from updating it (or would it?). How can I allow the function to update the field without also allowing manual changes when updating the entry?