Enter a value from the form on the thank you page

I’ve built a registration form for my client, that registers clients for 1 (or more) of 4 workshops, using checkboxes. After registering the client is taken to a thank you page with information for registrants. I want to be clear on the registration thank you page what workshop they signed up for. Is there a way to pass that information from the form to the page?

You can pass entry data into a Page or Redirect confirmation and have the confirmation set to pass the data through the URL query parameters (see option to Pass Field Data via Query String ). To read that data into the page, you’d need to employ a plugin like URL Params to pull that info from the parameters into the page – since Gravity Forms merge tags will not work within the page. Alternatively, you could use the plugin GP Post Content Merge Tags by Gravity Wiz which will make the entry merge tags available in the page to which your confirmation is redirecting.

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