After submitting a form, I want to send users to a confirmation page that shall display content entered in the form, something like
“Thank you ((Name entered in the Name field)) for submitting the form”.
I see how I can “Pass Field Data via Query String”, but I do not know how to get that data displayed on the confirmation page. Can anyone tell me / link me to a description how to do that? Thanks.
PS: I am using Elementor, but could rely on Gutenberg for the confirmation page in case it is easier.
if (isset($_GET['trees'])) {
/* use just bought some trees */
$trees = $_GET['trees'];
<p>Thank you for your purchase of <?= $trees ?> trees.</p>
Thank you @hughc and @user5a207df922b2b2.8 for your suggested solutions. As both options require coding, which I cannot do, I take this as a “not possible at my level of expertise”.
Thank you anyhow for your thoughts