Drop down text colour in Divi integration

Hey there!

I’ve created a form which I’ve embeded using Divi builder. Most things are working well, but where I’ve made a drop down the selected option does not show in the box once selected.

I’m not sure if it’s because I have something defaulting the text to white, so it just matches the box or whether it’s just not showing in the box at all. I can’t find a field in Divi which allows me to choose the colour of the text as it shows once selected in the drop down.

Anyone got any clues how to fix this? Input would be much appreciated. :slight_smile:


Hey Amy,

Please deactivate all active plugins except Gravity Forms and then recheck the issue. If it still persists, go to Divi → Theme Options → General → Performance, and disable both “Dynamic CSS” and “Critical CSS”.

If it’s still not working, then from the Builder → Performance tab, disable the “Static CSS File Generation” option and let me know how that goes.

If nothing works, feel free to share the exact webpage URL so I can further investigate to resolve it.

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