Drag and Drop not working [RESOLVED]

I have Gravity Forms on many sites and have tested 3 all with the same results. The Drag & Drop builder won’t drag or drop. Anyone else seeing this?

Hi EFG. I have heard of this a couple of times. It could be a missing PHP module or could be a conflict with other software on your website. Please open a support ticket and include a copy of your system report so we can take a look. Thank you.


Thanks, Chris. I believe I already opened a ticket. Since I am experiencing this on ALL sites that I’ve tested thus far, I can provide you with a copy of the systems report through my client portal which is also experiencing the issue.

I see that you have a response to your support ticket already, so if you need assistance, please reply there so we don’t duplicate efforts. I will leave this open in the event you want to share the resolution. Thank you.

Thanks so much. It was a plugin conflict. We got with the plugin developer who has fixed the issue on their side.

Thank you for the update.