Datepicker in Chrome is missing background and formatting

2022-03-16 (1)

This is on the page

Firefox it’s fine, but Chrome it’s missing some CSS formatting on my PC and the client’s machine.

Please help.

Hey Thomas,

I noticed the page is being cached by WP Rocket, after loading the page with the ?nowprocket parameter (which loads a non-cached version of the page) the calendar appears to display as expected: Markup 2022-03-16 at 10.55.30.png - Droplr

Please try clearing the WP Rocket cache and your browser cache and see if that resolves the issue. I would recommend that you exclude the form page from any caching solutions to help prevent issues like this.

If that is not an option, you can always try a plugin like : Fresh Forms for Gravity – WordPress plugin |

Good catch. Excluding the page from caching seems to have done the job.

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