Confirmation editor styling in WordPress 5.3 Kirk

Getting some strange screens in GravityForms confirmations and notifications - the WYSIWYG editor isn’t working properly - e.g.

Looks like Automattic tested with the top 20 plugins, but Gravity Forms wasn’t one of them:

The column on the left hand side isn’t styled properly, so the choice of confirmation and WYSIWYG editor is pushed down.

I thought I’d check by turning off the Classic Editor plugin, but while that helps in the post and pages, it still doesn’t show properly in the form confirmation and notification pages - with the menu and text editors not showing correctly.

We’ll make sure we don’t update other sites from 5.2.x until we know this is sorted - just a couple that automatically update that are the problem.

I recommend reporting this issue to Gravity Forms/Rocketgenius so that it can be addresses in a release (if it has not already been):