Conditional Logic Question

Hi one and all, I hope I make this clear.

I have a section on a form that has 5 fields, 4 are single line text, the 5th is a pull down with the ability to choose number 1 to 10

The number pull down in the user of the form answering how many years they have been active in the field chosen.

If they choose less than 10 years, a second section with the same 5 questions is shown via conditional logic. All works good to this point.

The problem is if they answer both section’s questions and the two numbers on the pull down DO NOT add up to 10 years, I want to show a 3rd section and so and so forth until all the numbers chosen add up to 10.

I simply don’t see a way to do this, am I missing it, or just can’t be done?

Sounds like if you only want to use conditional logic you will need more logic rules than just one for the third field.

Hide if
First pull down is 5
2nd pull down is 5
Hide if
First pull down is 3
2nd pull down is 7

This obviously could be complicated.

There are other ways to do this. I think you should add a number field.
In the number field click enable calculation.

Then click the insert merge tag pull down.
Select the first pull down
then add the plus sign
Then click the insert merge tag pull down.
Select the second pull down

In the second field you you want to conditionally show, Enable conditional logic.

Then say Hide if first field is not 10

Then in the third field you want to conditionally show, Enable conditional logic.

Then say hide if number field is or greater than 10.

This is of course pretty much off the top of my head but hope it helps. Hopefully if it is not correct someone else will jump in to help you.

Thank you very much, I hadn’t even thought about using the Number field. I have put that into place and with a little tinkering it seems to be working very well.

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