Conditional Logic not Working

I’ve had a great run with Gravity Forms for 2-3 years now, making full use of the conditional logic feature. For some reason, when adding conditionals to newly listed products, the JS code was not being generated to produce the conditional logic. At first this was only happening to newly created products, I figured I might be out of date on my Gravity Forms version. When I upgraded my version the problem spread to ALL products with conditionals.

I upgraded Wordpress after that, and a bunch of other plugins (except WooCommerce, since some of the plugins I have are not compatible with the current WooCommerce version), but the problem still persists.

I stumbled upon this article, tried the suggestions but I wasn’t able to narrow down the problem. This is where I got the idea that the JS code is probably not being generated:

I’m stumped. Does anybody have any ideas on how to troubleshoot this?

Hi Dominic. That article is super-old and very superficial. Chances are you have a theme or plugin conflict on the site, interfering with the conditional logic, or, something in the form is not configured correctly.

I recommend opening a support ticket for this issue:

However, if you would like to get started by checking if it’s a theme or plugin conflict, you can use these steps to do that:

If you share the link to a page on your site where we can see the form, we may be able to offer more specific advice.

Hi Chris,
I figured it out!

When I tested my changes on mobile, the changes worked. I believe it was cache-ing issue with my browser. I also have a plugin called Autoptimize that may have played a role in the JS not being generated while testing the changes within the same browser session. I’ve since updated that plugin. After testing changes outside of that session, it worked as expected.

Bottom line, I learned to test site changes with another browser and to clear the cache if anything unexpected happens as a result.

Thanks for the reply!


Good deal. Thank you for the update.