Conditional logic calculation


I have a form with a field called Package which has a price of £2,200
I then have a No. of people field eg. 1, 2, 3

I have radio buttons with:
Pay full amount
Pay deposit

If someone chooses to pay by deposit it needs to do a calculation to multiply the package by the number of people and then charge £200 per person deposit which would equal £400 to pay.

I tried this calculation but it doesn’t work (I’m not great at maths!)
{Select a package:8} * {No. of people:32} - (-200 * {No. of people:32})

If you input 1 person and choose deposit it is showing:
£4,600 deposit
£2,400 balance

I need it to show:
£200 deposit
£2,000 balance

If you choose No. of people = 2 and choose deposit I need it to show:
£400 deposit
£4,000 balance

Thanks for any help,


Hi Mandy (Chris?)

Try this:

({Select a package:8} * {No. of people:32}) - (200 * {No. of people:32})

Let me know if it works for you.
