Conditional logic and lots of formatting issues

Hi Community

Help me please.

How do you set a fixed position of a field to stop conditional questions messing with formatting? They won’t stay put and gf_left_half and gf_right_half doesn’t help.

I have three rows of

checkbox question - single line conditional question
checkbox question - single line conditional question
checkbox question - single line conditional question

Except it ends up looking like

checkbox question - checkbox question
Checkbox question

And then as you can imagine everything shifts around as you answer the checkbox questions and the conditional fields become visible.

Seems like a common issue people would be having… I don’t understand why having the checkbox question as gf_left_half and the then conditional question as gf_right_half wouldn’t work.

Thank you.
I have loads more questions. Like, why are checkbox labels visible but dropdowns and text input labels aren’t? I can only see the description field with those. And why does enabling html 5 fix the weird radio button not aligning with itself issues, yet destroys the rest of the formatting and super bunches everything up?

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