Child entry does not have resolved Parent entry ID [RESOLVED]

I am using a script to fetch REST api data of GF submissions that are made on a Wordpress website. I normally fetch the child submissions and then look at their gpnf_entry_parent field to get their parent ID so that I know which user submitted this.
The issue that i come across is that sometimes gpnf_entry_parent is a weird mess where instead of a numeric ID it looks like 367b1c09b03c or 941710a3011c. I think after an hour or two it gets fixed and the gpnf_entry_parent field starts pointing to the correct parent.
However this time delay is causing issues with real time updates. Does anyone know why it does this and if there is a way for it to stop having such a long delay on resolving the parent ID.

Hi Jackson,

Those child entries with the alphanumeric parent entry IDs are known as orphaned entries. With Nested Forms, the child entries are added before the parent form is submitted to create the parent entry ID and until the parent form is submitted, a unique alphanumeric parent entry ID is assigned to all child entries of the same session.

I’m guessing, the script is fetching the child form entries before the user submits the parent form, and the time delay you’re referring to is when the user eventually submits the parent form, which will then update the alphanumeric parent entry ID to the correct numeric ID. You may want to set up the API to only fetch child entries with numeric parent entry IDs.


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Thank you very much for your response! Now that I know what is causing this I know how to fix it.

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