Checkbox next to list and vertical spacing

  1. In the HOME EXPENSES section of my Income Tax Organizer, I would like to put a check box to the right of a list field. I found some code at Gravity Forms – How to add checkbox option in list field.

Since I’m not a coder, I don’t know how to customize the following code for my form, located here

add_filter( 'gform_column_input_content', 'itsg_gf_checkbox_change_column_content', 99, 6 );

function itsg_gf_checkbox_change_column_content( $input, $input_info, $field, $text, $value, $form_id ) {
    // settings
    $apply_form_id = 2;
    $apply_field_id = 11;
    $apply_column_position = 3;
    $checkbox_label_and_value = 'Yes';
    if ( 'list' == $field->type && $apply_form_id == $form_id && $apply_field_id == $field->id ) {
        $has_columns = is_array( $field['choices'] );
        if ( $has_columns ) {
            foreach( $field['choices'] as $key => $choice ) {
                $column_position = $key + 1;
                if ( $text == $choice['text'] && $apply_column_position == $column_position ) {
                    $checked = $value == $checkbox_label_and_value ? "checked" : "";
                    $input = str_replace( "type='text' ", "type='checkbox' value='" . $checkbox_label_and_value . "' " . $checked . " ",$input );
                    $input = "<label style='display: inline-block; white-space: nowrap;' >" . $input . " " . $checkbox_label_and_value . "</label>";
    return $input;

add_action( 'gform_enqueue_scripts', 'itsg_gf_checkbox_enqueue_scripts', 10, 2 );

function itsg_gf_checkbox_enqueue_scripts( $form, $is_ajax ) {
    // settings
    $apply_form_id = 2;
    if ( $form['id'] == $apply_form_id ) {
        add_action( 'wp_footer', 'itsg_gf_checkbox_script' );  // enqueue inline JavaScript

function itsg_gf_checkbox_script() {
    jQuery( document ).ready( function($) {
        jQuery( '.gfield_list input[type=checkbox]' ).each( function() {
            itsg_gf_checkbox_default_value( jQuery( this ) );
    jQuery( '.gfield_list' ).on( 'click', '.add_list_item', function(){
        var new_row = jQuery( this ).parents( 'tr.gfield_list_group, tr.gfield_list_row_even, tr.gfield_list_row_odd' ).next( 'tr.gfield_list_group, tr.gfield_list_row_even, tr.gfield_list_row_odd' );
        jQuery( new_row ).find( 'input[type=checkbox]' ).each( function() {
            itsg_gf_checkbox_default_value( jQuery( this ) );
    function itsg_gf_checkbox_default_value( checkbox ){
        if (':checked') ) {
            checkbox.nextAll( 'input[type=hidden]' ).remove();
        } else {
                jQuery('<input/>', {
                    'type': 'hidden',
                    'value': '',
                    'name': checkbox.attr('name')
    jQuery( '.gfield_list' ).on( 'click', 'input[type=checkbox]', function(){
        itsg_gf_checkbox_default_value( jQuery( this ) );

Looks like you managed this? Looks good.

The coding is not mine. The problem I’m facing is I don’t know how to modify the code for my form. Can you help me with that? My form is located at Thanks!

Hey - I just replied on your other thread. Happy to take a look. Can set up a Skype or zoom if you want to go through it.

Are you available now?

No but same time tomorrow?

Yes, that works for me.

Kevin Minkoff, CPA

Kevin R. Mink off, CPA, PC

12508 NE Halsey St

Portland, OR 97230


fax 503-255-2247