Change appearance of multi-step, multi-page check marks

Hi, I’m creating a multi-page form field with Gravity forms, and I even downloaded the extended toolkit plugin for Gravity forms, but somehow a very annoying and visually crucial feature is still missing.

When a user first starts to enter information into the form, they see circles with step 1, step 2, step 3, … and so on, right?

Well, when you complete a step, there’s a check mark, but the problem is the check mark box is a screwed up shape that doesn’t make sense for the form, I need to be able to change the check-mark or “completed step” icon to a perfect circle.

On top of that, the check mark isn’t visually centered within the completed step icon for some reason.

How can I update the appearance of the completed steps?

Is there anyone from the Gravity Forms support team who can assist with this? I have some deadlines to meet and I’m hoping to get this resolved before then.

Hi Daniel, if you need assistance from Support, please open a support ticket here: (be sure you use the form rather than emailing directly, and include your form export)

The community forums are not support forums but are left open to any and all who can assist. Thank you.

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