1.2 | 2019-05-15
- Updated the entry list page field filters to include a choice for each select instead of one choice for the entire field.
- Fixed an issue where Chained Selects conditional logic is evaluated for any field with the matching ID when multiple forms are on the page.
- Fixed a PHP notice which can occur when using the gform_chained_selects_input_choices filter and the choice isSelected property is not defined.
- Fixed an issue where pre-selected choice in first dropdown does not correctly populate choices in second dropdown.
- Fixed a PHP warning on form display when the {all_fields} merge tag is used in the review page content.
- Fixed calculations and conditional logic not being triggered when the isSelected property is enabled for a choice using the [gform_chained_selects_input_choices]() filter.
- Fixes issue where input names are overwritten when import file is re-imported.