Autocomplete functionality with a list

Hi guys,
I’ve just started using GF and find it great to use, but I have a quick query…

I need to attach a fairly substantial list of job titles (1000+ entries) to an input field on my form. Ideally I would like users to be presented with an auto-complete type functionality where if they type the first few letters of the job title, the form narrows down and shows the users just those entries from the list that contain the text string they have typed.

Does anybody know if this can be done in GF or if there is a reputable plugin that can achieve this kind of functionality?

Many thanks


Add a drop down Select field to your form. Check the box on the Advanced tab that says “Enable enhanced user interface”. Then to add all 1000 options, click the button on the General Tab that says “Bulk Add / Predefined Choices”. Then paste your 1000 options into the space on the right, and save this choice for future reuse if you like by clicking the link “save as new custom choice” and assigning it a name. Then save your form and take a look at how that field works.


Caveat: the enhanced user interface is disabled on mobile, so users will see a standard drop down.

Hi Ray,

This plugin from Envato might be able to help?

So just to provide an update on this - in the end I paid a developer to install the DevBridge autocomplete script on my website form. It works really well.

However before doing so I purchased the MA-Group plugin from CodeCanyon and have to say I was very disappointed and removed it immediately. The plugin allows you to insert fields with an autocomplete function into your Gravity Form but there are very limited options to style the field so it blends in with the rest of your form. Also there is no knowledgebase or port materials online - so it wasn’t for me.


Thanks for the update @user5de0e92116ea3395

Sorry you had a bad experience with that plugin, Ray! It looked pretty good to me.