our team uses GF (2.7.3), Survey (3.8) and Webhooks.
We created a Likert scale and tried to send all fields via webhook.
The target of the webhook receives this json:
"6.1": "glikertrow25dad124:glikertcol6170de495",
"6.2": "glikertrowa5d30021:glikertcol6430e41a6",
"6.3": "glikertrow24c5e8ba:glikertcol6170de495",
But it should display the actual value instead.
We get the same output when acessing it via api.
When using the export button to export all entries for a form, it correctly shows all values.
Any idea to fix that? Looks like an issue in the Survey addon for me
Thats the system report (I removed urls)
### Gravity Forms ###
Version: 2.7.3 ✔
Upload folder: /var/www/vhosts/*removed*/wp-content/uploads/gravity_forms/
Upload folder permissions: Writable ✔
Output CSS: Yes
Output HTML5: Yes
No-Conflict Mode: No
Currency: EUR
Background updates: No
REST API v2: Yes
### Add-Ons ###
Survey: von Gravity Forms - 3.8 ✔
Webhooks: von Gravity Forms - 1.5 ✔
### Database ###
Database Version: 2.7.3 ✔ Your database is up-to-date.
c4jRt9a_gf_form_view: ✔
c4jRt9a_gf_form_meta: ✔
c4jRt9a_gf_form: ✔
c4jRt9a_gf_form_revisions: ✔
c4jRt9a_gf_entry: ✔
c4jRt9a_gf_entry_meta: ✔
c4jRt9a_gf_entry_notes: ✔
c4jRt9a_gf_draft_submissions: ✔
c4jRt9a_gf_rest_api_keys: ✔
c4jRt9a_gf_addon_feed: ✔
### Translations ###
Site Locale: de_DE
User (ID: 3) Locale: de_DE
Gravity Forms: de_DE
Survey: de_DE
Webhooks: de_DE
### Log Files ###
Gravity Forms API: *removed*
Gravity Forms Core: *removed*
Gravity Forms Webhooks Add-On: *removed*
### Scheduled (Cron) Events Log ###
gravityforms_cron: 2023-04-12 11:05:32
gravityforms_cron: 2023-04-11 11:39:48
gravityforms_cron: 2023-04-11 00:45:42
### WordPress ###
Home URL: *removed*
Site URL: *removed*
REST API Base URL: *removed*
WordPress Version: 6.2 ✔
WordPress Multisite: No
WordPress Memory Limit: 40M
WordPress Debug Mode: No
WordPress Debug Log: No
WordPress Script Debug Mode: No
WordPress Cron: Yes
WordPress Alternate Cron: No
Background tasks: Yes ✔
### Active Theme ###
Twenty Twenty-Three: von the WordPress team (https://wordpress.org) - 1.0 ✔
### Active Plugins ###
Disable Comments: von WPDeveloper - 2.4.3 ✔
Limit Login Attempts Reloaded: von Limit Login Attempts Reloaded - 2.25.13 ✔
User Role Editor: von Vladimir Garagulya - 4.63.3 ✔
WP 2FA - Two-factor authentication for WordPress: von WP White Security - 2.4.1 ✔
WP Activity Log: von WP White Security - ✔
WP Activity Log for Gravity Forms: von WP White Security - 1.2.3 ✔
### Web Server ###
Software: Apache
Port: 443
Document Root: *removed*
### PHP ###
Version: 8.0.28 ✔
Memory Limit: 128M
Maximum Execution Time: 30
Maximum File Upload Size: 512M
Maximum File Uploads: 20
Maximum Post Size: 512M
Maximum Input Variables: 1000
cURL Enabled: Yes (Version 7.58.0)
OpenSSL: OpenSSL 1.1.1 11 Sep 2018 (269488143)
Mcrypt Enabled: No
Mbstring Enabled: Yes
Loaded Extensions: Core, date, libxml, openssl, pcre, zlib, bz2, calendar, ctype, hash, filter, ftp, gettext, gmp, SPL, iconv, json, Reflection, session, standard, SimpleXML, sockets, mbstring, tokenizer, xml, cgi-fcgi, mysqlnd, bcmath, curl, dba, dom, enchant, fileinfo, gd, imagick, imap, intl, ldap, exif, mysqli, odbc, PDO, pdo_mysql, PDO_ODBC, pdo_pgsql, pdo_sqlite, pgsql, Phar, posix, pspell, redis, soap, sodium, sqlite3, sysvmsg, sysvsem, sysvshm, tidy, xmlreader, xmlwriter, xsl, zip, Zend OPcache
### Database Server ###
Database Management System: MariaDB
Version: 10.1.48 ✔
Database Character Set: utf8
Database Collation: utf8_general_ci
### Date and Time ###
WordPress (Local) Timezone: UTC+0
MySQL (UTC): 2023-04-12 16:08:10
MySQL (Local): April 12, 2023 um 4:08 pm
PHP (UTC): 2023-04-12 16:08:10
PHP (Local): April 12, 2023 um 4:08 pm