Accessibility Issue | GP Advanced Phone FIeld

Good Day,

On mobile devices, Google Lighthouse is flagging GP Advanced Phone Field due to the following error:

[aria-*] attributes do not have valid values

Fix appreciated :slight_smile:

Thank you,



Jonathan, have you submitted this as a ticket on

Hey @bethannon,

No. This is a general issue that affects everyone using noted add-on. That’s why it was published here.

You should be able to replicate the issue at your end.

Cheers :slight_smile:

This forum is for Gravity Forms and their official add-ons. Since the main GF team has no control over Gravity Perks, you’ll probably want to report this to the GP team. Although it is good for all of us to know.

Hi @bethannon,

Thanks for the update. Is there an equivalent community forum for Gravity Wiz? If not, it sure would help to create one.

FYI, Gravity Wiz has previously replied (solved) topics posted in this forum.

Please keep in mind this is a general issue that we identified, so simply trying to help you guys and your customers.


Hi Jonathan,

I see you’ve already submitted a ticket with us at GravityWiz. I’ve forwarded the ticket to our Product manager, and we’ll get back to you soon with updates.
