Users in drop down

Hi all,

I am trying to see if the below is possible?

Can I put a drop down on a page that lists a load of users? The users can be imported from a csv or the users in wordpress. (Prefer csv).

Then when the person clicks on their name they are given a load of questions to answer then submit?

Thank you


Hi Martin,

You can use the Gravity Forms Populate Anything plugin to dynamically populate WordPress registered users and filter them based on their roles.

You can set conditional logic to display a set of questions when someone selects any user from the dropdown.

Please follow the documentation carefully, and if you still have any questions, I’ll be here to help you.

HI Faisel,

Thank you for the quick reply, that seems like the thing I am after.

Is there any way if getting a 15 or 30 day trial of it?

Thanks again


Gravity Perks offers a 30-day refund policy, so you can try their products without any issues.

The pricing can be found here. :point_down:

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