Trouble with Entry Limits

I’m unable to set entry limits on my forms. What I’m trying to do is create a meeting scheduler so that when one person picks a date & time, that option will be removed from the form.

To accomplish this, I set a form field to limit the entry to 1. Forms submitted with selections with limits are not being removed from the form. If I set the entry limit to 0, however, the fields will not appear on the list, even with no previous entries. I’ve had this working on other forms in the past, but it doesn’t seem to be working now.

This problem is occurring with Drop-down and Radio Buttons fields.

Gravity Forms does not have an entry limits feature. Are you maybe using this plugin?

If so, you would need to check with them on how to configure that.

Ah, thanks Chris.

Yes, my organization is using that plugin with GF, and the plug-in is out of date. I’ll go there next.

Thank you for the confirmation.

We (Gravity Wiz) look forward to getting you squared away, Sean. :slightly_smiling_face:

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