Submit poll on radio-button click

I have a simple poll I’m wanting to display on almost every page of my website shown below (needs some further CSS but you get the idea).


It also has a hidden, administrative text field that preopulates the feedback location so I can spread the form all over my site and keep track of what the feedback is referring to.

I’d like to remove the Submit button (which I could always hide with CSS) and have the form submitted when a user clicks on one of the radio buttons (thumbs up/down icons).

I know nothing of Javascript presently, so can you steer me in the right direction?

Hey, Andrew – did you ever solve this one? I’m looking to do the same on a site I’m building now.


Unfortunately not. I never got around to completing the feature, and it sank to the bottom of the list. I’ve since moved away from Gravity Forms (using Advanced Forms, though still currently using it for some older forms). If it ever became a priority, I’d probably make it with Advanced Forms. All the best with it!