Is there any way the form can spell out the name of the month instead of using digits? For example, instead of 11/21/2023, the form output would be November 21, 2023?
Hi Devon. Where do you want to see the date spelled out, rather than numeric? Can you share a screenshot of where you would like to see the date in that format? Thank you.
We’d like to see it spelled out in the notification email after someone submits a form.
Dog’s Name: Anothertest
Date Lost: 03/04/2023
Case Manager: Devon Thomas Treadwell
Co-Case Manager: Courtney Raney
First Responder: Kathy Witt
Case Manager Trainee: Newbie Smith
Awareness Coordinator: Teresa Mc
Ground Support Coordinator: Diane Nelson
Trapper: Bobbi Woelpern
Report Sightings To: (612) 555-1212
Thank you for the information. In that case, since you are using individual field merge tags, you can use this free plugin from Gravity Wiz to give yourself a merge tag modifier to transform the date format before it is displayed in the notification:
If you have any other questions, please let us know.
Thanks. Is there a best practice for using plugins with GF? How/where to install, etc?
It’s a regular WordPress plugin that interacts with Gravity Forms. You can install it from your Plugins → Add New screen. Then activate it like any WordPress plugin and follow the Gravity Wiz instructions for configuration. Thank you.
Thanks. There must be a trick using a comma in the string. I tried using the HTML entity (,) after the day, but that caused the year not to display. I’m trying to get the format: January 5, 2023.
Be sure you are editing in text mode, not visual mode.
Gravity Wiz does cover that in the post:
I recommend adding a comment to that post to ask about the issue if you need assistance.
Thanks, that was the problem.
Thank you for the confirmation.