Date as 04 Jun 2021

Hello all
I made a site where people from all over the world can register. For the Date field this gives a problem. Some people think in DD/MM/YYYY, others in MM/DD/YYYY.

Is it possible to display the date as DD/MMM/YYYY (e.g. 04/Jun/2021)


Where would you like to see the date in that other format?

Hello Chris

At least in the confirmation mail, the mail that goes to the site owner and the summary page at the end of the form. In the Excel output would be nice as well.

So basicly everywhere :wink:

Greetings Jeroen

Hi Jeroen. For the notification emails and the confirmation page, you can use the gform_merge_tag_filter, as shown in example 5 here:

You would modify the date output format to be the format you want to see.

To get that style date in the CSV export (for Excel) you could use the gform_export_field_value filter as shown in example 4 here: