Signature Field Not Displaying

I’m using the signature add-on on a form I’ve created. in the backend everything seems setup properly, but when I test on the front end, I can’t enter my signature. Can someone help with this?

This is the page it lives on for now. I had page breaks and WILL have page breaks, but it’s a pain to test cause i have to fill out the form just to get to page 4 where the signature box lives. For now, I’ve eliminated the breaks.

The page has a JavaScript error:

Uncaught SyntaxError: Identifier ‘$’ has already been declared

Try testing with that plugin deactivated.

You could also try updating to the latest build of the Signature Add-On, 4.6.2, which is available from the support site for manual installation. It uses a different signature library, which uses plain JS instead of jQuery.

Amazing! Thanks so much Richard! I downloaded 4.6.2 and it’s working perfectly now. I thought I had downloaded the latest, but I guess I just grabbed in from the backend of WP. Thank you so much for your help!

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