I am going to be adding a custom setting to the dropdown field that stores the URL of an API, which I will be using when I convert it to a Selectize dropdown. I want to pass that URL to javascript where I will be making an Ajax call then using the data returned when I initialize the Selectize object.
The additional setting for an “API URL” in the dropdown General tab.
Is there a way from Javascript to get the “API URL” setting for that dropdown?
Or how would I pass the url using wp_localize_script()
. I’m currently thinking I need to use the gform_view
action to enqueue the script and pass the data. But, I’m not sure how to get the setting values.
Som the JS would look something like this. I just don’t know how to get value for THEURL
into the javascript.
jQuery(document).ready(function( $ ) {
$(document).on('gform_post_render', function(event, form_id, current_page){
$.getJSON( THEURL, function(data) {
$('._selectize select').selectize(
options : data