Scroll to Top Validation Error on Form Submission (Modals)

Good Day!

We use Gravity Forms inside our website modals (pop-ups).

Everything is working great with the exception of one thing: On mobile phones, when a visitor submits the form with an error (or simply clicks the SEND button without filling out any fields), the form scrolls to the first field with the error message, not to the top validation message (the one with the dismissal icon).

Is this intended by design? In any case, does anyone have a code (php) snippet that will fix the above condition?

To replicate our issue, perform the following:

(1) Visit our website (home page) using a mobile phone.
(2) Scroll up and click the button titled “GET STARTED” (a modal will appear)
(3) Click the “SEND” button (leave all fields blank)
(4) The form will scroll to the first message “This field is required” NOT “There was a problem with your submittion …”

Again, we would like to see our form (on mobile devices, modals) to scroll to the top validation message “There was a problem with your submission …”

And yes, our forms have AJAX set to “true” ( activated).

Any takers? :neutral_face:

Thank you!

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