Save Gravity Forms submission to custom database table

Hi there,

I am currently trying to use the following code to save entries from my form (ID 3) to a custom table in my database:

register_activation_hook( __FILE__, 'endo_create_custom_table' );

function endo_create_custom_table() {

global $wpdb;

$table_name = "wp_reservations";

$sql = "CREATE TABLE $table_name(
	id mediumint(9) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
	entry_id VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
	date datetime,
	email VARCHAR(50) CHARACTER SET utf8,
	guest VARCHAR(50) CHARACTER SET utf8,
	guest_amount VARCHAR(50) CHARACTER SET utf8,
	date_reservation VARCHAR(50) CHARACTER SET utf8,
	menu_own VARCHAR(50) CHARACTER SET utf8,
	menu_gast_1 VARCHAR(50) CHARACTER SET utf8,
	menu_gast_2 VARCHAR(50) CHARACTER SET utf8,
	menu_gast_3 VARCHAR(50) CHARACTER SET utf8,
	menu_gast_4 VARCHAR(50) CHARACTER SET utf8,
	menu_gast_5 VARCHAR(50) CHARACTER SET utf8,
	menu_gast_6 VARCHAR(50) CHARACTER SET utf8,
	menu_gast_7 VARCHAR(50) CHARACTER SET utf8,
	menu_gast_8 VARCHAR(50) CHARACTER SET utf8,
	menu_gast_9 VARCHAR(50) CHARACTER SET utf8,
	menu_gast_10 VARCHAR(50) CHARACTER SET utf8,
	UNIQUE KEY id(id)
	) COLLATE utf8_general_ci;";

require_once(ABSPATH . '/wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php');



add_action('gform_after_submission_3', 'endo_add_entry_to_db', 10, 2);
function endo_add_entry_to_db($entry, $form) {

$source = $entry['source_url'];

$email = $entry[1];
$guest = $entry[4];
$guest_amount = $entry[6];
$date_reservation = $entry[12];
$menu_own = $entry[13];
$menu_gast_1 = $entry[15];
$menu_gast_2 = $entry[29];
$menu_gast_3 = $entry[30];
$menu_gast_4 = $entry[31];
$menu_gast_5 = $entry[32];
$menu_gast_6 = $entry[33];
$menu_gast_7 = $entry[35];
$menu_gast_8 = $entry[34];
$menu_gast_9 = $entry[36];
$menu_gast_10 = $entry[37];

global $wpdb;

// add form data to custom database table
		'source_url' => $source,
		'email' => $email,
		'guest' => $guest,
		'guest_amount' => $guest_amount,
		'date_reservation' => $date_reservation,
		'menu_own' => $menu_own,
		'menu_gast_1' => $menu_gast_1,
		'menu_gast_2' => $menu_gast_2,
		'menu_gast_3' => $menu_gast_3,
		'menu_gast_4' => $menu_gast_4,
		'menu_gast_5' => $menu_gast_5,
		'menu_gast_6' => $menu_gast_6,
		'menu_gast_7' => $menu_gast_7,
		'menu_gast_8' => $menu_gast_8,
		'menu_gast_9' => $menu_gast_9,
		'menu_gast_10' => $menu_gast_10,
		'date' => current_time( 'mysql' )

However, it doesn’t seem to work for me. I set up a custom plugin and the table is created within the database, however if I submit a new entry, nothing happens in the database.

Could you help me please?

Thank you!

With a complex customization such as this, I recommend you take advantage of the built in logging in Gravity Forms with your own custom logging statements.

Here’s how to incorporate your own custom logging statements:

Here’s how to enable logging if you have not already done that: