I need a little help here. I’ve been looking through forum to see if the was a solution to my problem. Yet, I have still not found the answer. So, I have a donation form that I have preset nomination values and then I have an “Other” as part of my radio button field Which is a required field.
Then, I have a field for “Donation Amount” if the “Other” value is selected. I have set conditional logic to only show the field if the “Other” option is selected.
Now, Everything works fine. However, if a person enters “Other” and does not enter in a value in the “Donation Amount” field. the Total of the amount processed is $0.00.
I understand I cannot required the “Donation Amount” that is hidden by conditional logic to be required otherwise it will cause an error.
I need to either required the “Donation Amount” field to be populated or a way that will not allow the form to be processed if the total is equal to $0.00.
Thank you for your suggestion. the “other” is already a radio button selection. I have been looking at different options and I did come across possibly using the hidden field although. I’m trying to figure out how to implement it. Also, I had thought about the conditional logic on the submit button. still not 100% sold on doing that.
Thank you guys for you help. I’ll still not sure on what’s the best solution.
It sounds like a small snippet case where either gform_validation or gform_field_validation is appropriate. Checking the value of your ‘other’ ratio button field to then determine whether the extra numeric field should/not be considered accepted.